The CLI tools is a standard Node CLI program which you can install using the npm package manager. It is best to install it globally by:
npm install elven-tools -g
For now it is designed to deploy contracts:
General how to:
npm install elven-tools -g
elven-tools --version
or elvent-tools -v
elven-tools --help
or elven-tools -h
- for getting the commands on the root levelelven-tools nft-minter --help
or elven-tools sft-minter -h
- for getting all the commands for the subcommandSteps for deploying and interacting with the Smart Contract:
Check the detailed steps here: Jump start section.
Be aware that, by default, all will happen on the devnet. See here how to change it.
Check all commands here
All of the configuration options are set by default, so you don't have to configure them if you will accept the defaults.
Below is an example of a .elventoolsrc
config file with default values. You don't have to change the config.ts
file. It is for library usage. .elventoolsrc
is the only config file that should be used. It is not required if you will work on the devnet. In other cases, you would need to have it. It should be located in the same directory from which the elven-tools
commands are triggered. The same directory as the one where the walletKey.pem
file is located. Again, remember that you don't need to provide all these values. They are defaults. You need to provide values when you want to overwrite something.
"chain": "devnet",
"apiProviderEndpoint": "",
"gatewayProviderEndpoint": "",
"txWatcherTimeout": 90000,
"txWatcherPatience": 0,
"nftMinterSc": {
"version": "{tag version here or branch name, for example: v1.2.0}",
"deployNftMinterSC": "<nft_minter_smart_contract_address_here> when you want to switch between chains or you want to use the cli as buyer",
"tokenSellingPrice": "<price_of_the_nft_here> when you want to switch between chains or you want to use the cli as buyer",
"deployGasLimit": 80000000,
"issueCollectionTokenGasLimit": 80000000,
"issueValue": "0.05",
"assignRolesGasLimit": 80000000,
"issueTokenFnName": "issueToken",
"setLocalRolesFnName": "setLocalRoles",
"mintBaseGasLimit": 12500000,
"mintFnName": "mint",
"giveawayBaseGasLimit": 12100000,
"giveawayFnName": "giveaway",
"setDropFnName": "setDrop",
"setUnsetDropGasLimit": 5000000,
"unsetDropFnName": "unsetDrop",
"pauseUnpauseGasLimit": 4500000,
"pauseMintingFnName": "pauseMinting",
"unpauseMintingFnName": "startMinting",
"setNewPriceGasLimit": 4500000,
"setNewPriceFnName": "setNewPrice",
"shuffleFnName": "shuffle",
"shuffleGasLimit": 5000000,
"getTotalTokensLeftFnName": "getTotalTokensLeft",
"getProvenanceHashFnName": "getProvenanceHash",
"getDropTokensLeftFnName": "getDropTokensLeft",
"getNftPriceFnName": "getNftPrice",
"getNftTokenIdFnName": "getNftTokenId",
"getNftTokenNameFnName": "getNftTokenName",
"getCollectionTokenNameFnName": "getCollectionTokenName",
"getMintedPerAddressTotalFnName": "getMintedPerAddressTotal",
"getTokensLimitPerAddressTotalFnName": "getTokensLimitPerAddressTotal",
"getMintedPerAddressPerDropFnName": "getMintedPerAddressPerDrop",
"getTokensLimitPerAddressPerDropFnName": "getTokensLimitPerAddressPerDrop",
"changeBaseCidsFnName": "changeBaseCids",
"changeBaseCidsGasLimit": 5000000,
"setNewTokensLimitPerAddressFnName": "setNewTokensLimitPerAddress",
"setNewTokensLimitPerAddressGasLimit": 5000000,
"claimScFundsFnName": "claimScFunds",
"claimScFundsGasLimit": 6000000,
"allowlistBatchSize": 320,
"populateAllowlistFnName": "populateAllowlist",
"populateAllowlistBaseGasLimit": 6000000,
"getAllowlistFnName": "getAllowlistSize",
"isAllowlistEnabledFnName": "isAllowlistEnabled",
"getAllowlistAddressCheckFn": "getAllowlistAddressCheck",
"enableAllowlistFnName": "enableAllowlist",
"disableAllowlistFnName": "disableAllowlist",
"enableDisableAllowlistGasLimit": 6000000,
"isDropActiveFunctionName": "isDropActive",
"tokensPerOneTx": 95,
"tokensPerOneGiveawayTx": 98,
"clearAllowlistFnName": "clearAllowlist",
"clearAllowlistBaseGasLimit": 5000000,
"removeAllowlistAddressFnName": "removeAllowlistAddress",
"removeAllowlistAddressLimit": 5000000,
"isMintingPausedFnName": "isMintingPaused",
"getTotalSupplyFnName": "getTotalSupply",
"getTotalSupplyOfCurrentDropFnName": "getTotalSupplyOfCurrentDrop"
"sftMinterSc": {
"version": "{tag version here or branch name, for example: v0.1.0}",
"deployNftMinterSC": "<nft_minter_smart_contract_address_here> when you want to switch between chains or you want to use the cli as buyer",
"deployGasLimit": 40000000,
"issueTokenFnName": "issueToken",
"issueCollectionTokenGasLimit": 60000000,
"issueValue": "0.05",
"setLocalRolesFnName": "setLocalRoles",
"assignRolesGasLimit": 60000000,
"createGasLimit": 20000000,
"createTokenFnName": "createToken",
"buyGasLimit": 20000000,
"buyTokenAmountFnName": "buy",
"setNewPriceFnName": "setNewPrice",
"setNewPriceGasLimit": 4500000,
"tokenSellingPrice": "<price_of_the_amount_of_1_for_sft_here> when you want to switch between chains or you want to use the cli as buyer",
"getTokenDisplayFnName": "getTokenDisplayName",
"getPriceFnName": "getPrice",
"getMaxAmountPerAddressFnName": "getMaxAmountPerAddress",
"getCollectionTokenNameFnName": "getCollectionTokenName",
"getCollectionTokenIdFnName": "getCollectionTokenId",
"startSellingFnName": "startSelling",
"startSellingGasLimit": 3000000,
"pauseSellingFnName": "pauseSelling",
"pauseSellingGasLimit": 3000000,
"setNewAmountLimitPerAddressFnName": "setNewAmountLimitPerAddress",
"setNewAmountLimitPerAddressGasLimit": 3000000,
"getIsPausedFnName": "isPaused",
"getAmountPerAddressTotalFnName": "getAmountPerAddressTotal",
"getSftMintFnName": "mint",
"mintGasLimit": 3000000,
"getSftBurnFnName": "burn",
"burnGasLimit": 3000000,
"giveawayBaseGasLimit": 3500000,
"giveawayFnName": "giveaway",
"minterDapp": {
"version": "{tag version here, for example: v1.0.3}"
"collectionNftOwners": {
"apiCallsPerSecond": 5
"distributeToOwners": {
"apiCallsPerSecond": 5
Whole config with default values: config.ts
Remember, you don't have to change the config.ts
file. It is for library usage. You don't have to clone the repository to change the configuration. .elventoolsrc
is the only config file that should be used.
Please post issues and ideas here.